Cambiare Faccia–Friend Blender

by HyperBooth


non disponibile

Come cambiare faccia ad una foto? Con Friend Blender: Friend Blender consente di copiare e incollare facce da un'immagine all'altra per creare nuove immagini divertenti e creativi. Crea immagini mescolati con contorni fusi - e rendere tutti i vostri amici la risata!~~~~~~~~~~~~
Friend Blender (Free Trial) lets you cut & paste faces between images to create funny and creative new pictures. Create seamless blends as easy as never before – and make your friends laugh!
With Friend Blender you can· swap faces in one image or between different images· cut & paste: cut out a face from one image and insert it into another· be creative: create identical twins or put faces on other objects such as apples or tree leaves and see what happens!
Friend Blender's SmartBlend™ technology helps you create truly seamless blends like a photoshop pro!
==================Image Attribution:
Sample images created with Friend Blender using:– "Fruit Still Life" by Jill Clardy (– „Portrait of two young women“ by Josef Seibel (– „ Party“ by Will Merydith (– „Portrait #20“ by ammgramm (
Friend Blender launch image and application icon are based on "kitchen studio_20110221 Daisy" by "Aim low, play bass" (